All is well, even with Covid19 lurking.
Pretty much in lock down now, as we had to step up the shelter in place option due to Covid19.
I don’t go anywhere except to Mayo for required appointments. (Mayo has limited the appointments now to so it’s kind of nice walking into empty waiting rooms) Fortunately I’m pretty much used to being confined to the house, and I’m grateful for it as I hear more and more stories of selfish a-holes not taking the stay at home thing seriously.
Still have the GVHD issues with my eyes, (which seems to be getting better), my skin (hyperpigmentation), and that slow healing wound on my left foot from that infection.
** stop reading now if you are squeamish**
So, the slow healing wound got so deep that there were tendons exposed. Ya, freaky. Had to see a wound care specialist, orthopedics, and plastic surgeon all in one Mayo visit. Basically, it’s too risky to do any surgery, so I’ve been told to keep it covered, and apply medi-honey to keep it sterile and moist. They will reassess at the end of the week. The slow healing thing is due to the meds and steroids, yada yada and again I was told “it happens”. There’s a little pain, but mostly at night. (That’s what the oxy and an indica strain are for!)
I’m getting plenty of sleep, eating well and excersizing. Starting to back off on the steroids and perhaps other meds in the months to come.
BTW - it is also day 18:of our family shelter in place. School has been cancelled for the remainder of the school year, so we’ve taken to home schooling and making sure online assignments are completed. Soccer is pretty much over as well, now it’s just a matter of keeping that kid in shape and working on skills. Luckily we have a big enough house so that we can get a break from each other!
Be safe
Practice social distancing
....and go wash your fricken hands!