Monday, October 7, 2019

Day +75

Doing well and feeling much,much,much better!
Blood levels bounced back to expected levels and the Mayo visits are short and sweet now.
Had a CT scan last week on my sinuses, just to check a pre-transplant issue. Haven’t heard anything back. All my other tests last week came back normal, no issues.

Due to the GVHD bouts , they put me on some strong steroids. They are really messing with me, and hopefully they will back down the dose or stop them. They make me jittery, and I have a hard time staying asleep, even though I take them in the morning and early afternoon. ( an occasional ‘roid rage   over stupid  things too.)
Working out and I just keep moving every day to try to keep my muscles relaxed.

Go cells go!


Diane said...

I look every day for a post. Hang in there baby Bro. This wasn't going to be easy. Hugs.

#DayZero said...

Thank you. Every day psts are boring.!

I'll post every few days All is well.

Thanks for thinking about me.

JoAnn said...

Glad to here all is improving. You’ve been on my mind. I’m preparing for stem cell drilling on the 31st. Watched a video about it. Ewe. I’m going to look at your chart again w the time frame. What is your goal to be up n running full throttle? Keeping ya in my prayers.

#DayZero said...

Those core samples are easy, they pretty much knock you out, and it's a little sore (I've had about 6 so far, and got one next week.) I'm up and running, just light workouts, nothing extreme.
When I'm tired I nap!