Friday, August 23, 2019

Day +30

All is well! I feel good!

There is a minor issue with high potassium levels, even though I’ve been watching/checking those amounts on the stuff I eat. Dr said that of all the things they check, a high potassium level is no bueno. (It’s because of the meds).
So...the only way to eliminate potassium, is to... well eliminate. He gave me something that’s gonna make me poop all afternoon. I can hardly wait. Even the nurse was laughing  at me after I drank it. Telling me to have a wonderful afternoon!

Shared this with my family the other day. Attempting to grill brats in 115 degrees;

My brats, my brats, my brats are on fire, burn mother f*ckers burn!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey! Joe. Why did you have to fire up the grill? couldn't you just grill them on the concrete?