Thursday, August 1, 2019

Day +8

I’m officially stuck in Ground Hog Day. Thank god I’m able to leave my cell and walk around the pod. My favorite time of the day is doing a Facetime dinner with the family.  Of course what they are having always seem to look better than what I had!
The doctor confirmed that it’s probably gonna be another 7-10 days before I’m released. (From yesterday) So hopefully by next Wednesday. I figure it’s best that my blood labs are where they should be before going home. 
Still minimum side effects from the chemo, well except for this:
Doctor said it should clear up in a few days. 

Go cells go!


Bud said...

I know how you feel. Hang in there, get health and stronger. Your parole day will come. Either that or run up and down your pod, banging a metal pan on the doors... raise a little hell.

Not your family member said...

I love our older brothers comments. At least we all know where we got it from. He was such a good influence on us growing up. As you are running up and down the pod with a metal pan yell Purple, purple, purple. Then blame it on Joann.

Colleen said...

Go cells! You do have some stylish shirts so put that in the plus column. Just don’t throw the toaster in the bathtub (you have to watch the groundhog day movie ) :)

Unknown said...

Said a build cells prayer from Karen

JoAnn said...

Hey, I believe the message above states this is not a family member. Lol. Did you know that Purple is an extreme healing color? So yes, Purple Purple Purple! I’ve added a purple flower to my purse today and am wearing Purple socks. I recommend wearing a cowbell around your neck. Tell the nurses it’s a family heirloom from Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow. This may also help in your release.
Your womb mate.

Unknown said...

You crack me up! I am glad that this is going so well according to your blog. Keep it up!

Go cells go!
