Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Here we go.  I get my new cells today!
The Chaplain is coming by for a quick blessing around 9am-ish.  Then I get the transplant at 10.  Then I’ll have my own nurse assigned to just me all day.  (oh joy)

The conditioning was rough, I don’t wish that on anybody.  Thanks for all the encouraging wishes, and positive vibes.  Now let’s go build some new marrow!

A special shout out to my donor today:
Your selfless act humbles me, I can’t believe that a complete stranger would take the time and go through the discomfort of donating their stem cells to me.
Thank you for my healing!

Update on the day:  Chaplain came in around 930am and did the blessing which was very nice.  Keegan, Damian, Jacob and Cesar were here for the transplant.  They started the transplant at 10:07am and it ended at 11:30am.  Joe did really well during the entire event.  Now the nurse will monitor him for the next hour and he will rest for the remainder of the day.  Special cheer for those stem cells:  “Go forth and multiply and create the marrow that will restore Joe’s cells. – Go Cells Go!”


Not your family member said...

Give me a C
Give me a E
Give me a L
Give me a L
Give me a S
What's that spell?


Thanks for the update.

Unknown said...

Joe, thinking of you all the time. I know those cells are doing their thing...Karen

Diane said...

One small step for man ( not really) one large leap for mankind. Happy that part is over. Keep up the good work. We are all on your side with prayer and good vibes.

Unknown said...

God Bless Joe Sworan! Yeah, new cells are on the way, stay strong!

Deanna said...

God Bless, Joe and family! You're all in my thoughts and prayers!

John Lodola said...

Way to go, Joe. Sending good wishes your way for the marrow to multiply. Can't you just get it wet? That's how Gremlins multiply... just sayin' :)

Not your family member said...

They gave him rabbit yesterday. We all know Rabbits multiply like crazy.

JoAnn said...

Awesome work! Rest. Keep on keeping on. These cells like you. Looking forward to updates on your incredible recovery. Blessings!! <3

Anonymous said...

GO CELLS - GO!!! Sending good thoughts and prayers your way Joe. You've got so much love and support - It's gonna be great :-)